Posts tagged structural integration
Shoulder Complex and Common Impairments
David Kalensoft tissue, Sports medicine, structural integration, Structural Integration, fascial training, Postural Restoration, posture, fascia, Physical Therapy, physical therapy, holistic health, Myofascial Release, knee surgery, myofascial release, Fitness, wellness, women's health, Foot injuries, Plantar Faciitis, Corrective exercise, shoulder injuries, shoulder rehab, training, athletic performance, athletic training, Athletic Performance, Yoga, Health, therapy, shoulder impingement, shoulder instability
The complexity of Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex and it's importance
David Kalenstructural integration, Physical Therapy, performance enhancement, Orthopedic, Body and Mind, body movement, pelvic health, women's health, Corrective exercise, low back pain, athletic training, athletic performance, fascial training, pelvic injury, back injury, Running, Sports medicine, posture, Postural Restoration, Athletic Performance, therapy, Myofascial Release
Common Knee Injuries and Associated Movement Deficiencies
David KalenPhysical Therapy, structural integration, Corrective exercise, Fitness, health, Sports medicine, Athletic Performance, athletic training, performance enhancement, athletic performance, Orthopedic, knee pain, knee injury, ACL tear, knee surgery
Fascia - The web without a weaver
David Kalenfascia, myofascial release, structural integration, body movement, therapy, physical therapy, soft tissue, fascial training, movement, holistic health, helath, wellness, Physical Therapy, Myofascial Release, posture, Postural Restoration